Tidying your home is not just about making physical space. It is about becoming the authentic you.


Create Space

Decluttering your space makes room for what matters most. The Authentic Home will help you start, and then complete, your journey toward a well-managed, organized home.

Gain Balance

When you are organized, you’ll have time to do what you love and make memories with those who are important to you. Organized spaces support you by making it easier to be more optimistic and joyful.

Change Your Life

Together, we will find the perfect spot for all the things you love while letting go of things that are no longer serving you.  Along the way, you’ll fall in love with your home and your life again.

Create the Home for Your Authentic Self

Authenticity is about becoming the genuine person you were meant to be.

It is a clearing away of all that is not true and does not spark a joyful smile within you.

Decide today to surround yourself in the amazing life that is all your own.

Be who you were meant to be.

When you are real, things won’t matter.

Tidying your home is not just about making physical space.

It is about becoming the authentic you.

Kelly Jessee, the Authentic Home

What is the KonMari Method™?

Marie Kondo developed the method of organization that is known as the KonMari Method™. It’s a practice of simplification and begins by gathering all of one’s belongings, one category at a time. By focusing on categories rather than locations, the KonMari Method™ helps you avoid tidying the same items repeatedly. The process begins with clothing, then moves on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. It advocates keeping only those things that speak to your heart and discarding items that no longer spark joy. Discarded items are thanked for their service and then let go with a grateful heart.  The method places emphasis on keeping only those items you cherish and that spark joy.

Schedule a Free 'Get to Know You' Call

Let’s begin the process which will allow you to find the one life you were born to live.